Visa litigation

As French Immigration lawyer, J2M concentrates on Visa law

As immigration lawyer, our law firm concentrates on French immigration and Visa law and has established experience in this field. We assist foreigners in their steps to obtain a Visa and a residence permit, to change status, to challenge a decision denying the issuance of a residence permit with or […]

French immigration law

visa litigation


SUMMARY What may be the reasons for visa refusal Preparing to lodge an appeal Send the file to the lawyer Have you applied for a visa for France and have you been refused? When your passport was returned to you, you also received a document called Visa Refusal which you countersigned, […]


Knowing how to challenge a French long stay visa rejection, requires understanding the sequences of the application process by the Consular Authority. The visa is generally issued by the French consular authorities of the country where the foreigner who intends to go to France is located. This is always the […]

visa rejection

How to Litigate a Rejection of a French Visa Application

Before setting out to litigate a rejection of a French Visa Application, it is necessary to lodge an administrative appeal. This first step is mandatory. If this administrative appeal is not satisfactory, it will then be necessary to refer the matter to the Court. Alongside these contentious actions, it is […]


SUMMARY The appeal before the Commission (CRRV) Filing a parallel hierarchical appeal Referral to the Administrative Court 1 THE APPEAL BEFORE THE COMMISSION (CRRV)  Created in 2000, the Appeals Commission against decisions refusing entry visas to France (CRRV) is responsible for examining appeals against decisions refusing visas to enter France […]

J2M, Paris Law Firm

Issuance of family reunification visas: the judge bucks French government

Seized by several associations about the Issuance of family reunification visas: the judge bucks the French government by suspending the interruption decided by the Government. The summary judge of the Council of State suspended the Government’s decision to interrupt, because of the covid-19 epidemic, the issuance of family reunification visas […]

French long-stay visa denied

Knowing how to challenge a French long-stay visa denied, requires to understand the sequences of the application process by the Consular Authority. A French long-stay visa is generally issued by the French consular authorities of the country where the foreigner who intends to go to France is located. This is […]