There are multiple types of Talent Passport to France. Are you a non-European foreigner and would you like to work in France for more than 3 months? You can benefit from a multi-year talent passport residence permit under certain conditions. How to request the card? What documents to provide? How much does the residence card cost?
You must apply for a card if the intended length of stay is at least 1 year. If the length of stay is less than 1 year, a long-stay visa equivalent to a residence permit (VLS-TS ) mentioning talent passport is sufficient.
Business creation *
The talent passport residence permit – business creation – authorizes you to exercise a commercial activity authorizes you to stay in France.This is one of the best way to come to France with your family.
You can obtain a residence permit talent passport – business creation – authorizes to carry out a commercial activity if you meet the following 3 conditions:
- You have a diploma at least equivalent to a master’s degree: DEA, DESS, engineering diploma, diploma from the institute of political studies, higher diploma in accounting and management, diploma in accountancy, State diplomas of veterinary doctor, doctor of medicine, dental surgery, pharmacy, …or 5 years of work experience at a comparable level
- You justify a real and serious business creation project (commercial, artisanal or industrial) in France. There is an electronic procedure for that purpose in which you can get pre-qualified for the Visa.
- You must pledge to invest at least 30,000 euros in your project, which is not a cost but simple money earmarked for your business in France.
The talent passport residence permit – economic investment – all commercial activities related to the project authorizes you to stay in France. You can obtain a talent passport residence permit – economic investment – all commercial activities related to the project if you carry out a direct economic investment in France.
- You may invest personally in a company in which you acquire a lasting interest (at least 10% of the capital). Or you may invest through a company that you personally manage or in which you hold at least 30% of the capital.
- You plan to create or save employment in the 4 years following the investment in France
- The investment in tangible or intangible fixed assets must represent at least €300,000
The passport talent residence permit – artistic and cultural profession talent passport authorizes you to stay in France. It authorizes you to work. Your employer does not have to apply for a work permit.
You can obtain a talent passport residence permit – artistic and cultural profession if you are a performer or author of a literary or artistic work. You must have a project in France either as employee or as self-employed.
A long-stay visa mentioning “talent passport” “artistic and cultural profession” will be issued to you. Its period of validity will take into account the nature and duration of the commitment(s) or draft contracts that you will present, within the limit of a maximum duration of 4 years.
In addition to the supporting documents relating to your personal and professional situation, you must attach to your visa application the documents justifying your status as an artist or author of a literary or artistic work and your commitments in France as well as your resources.
Internationally renowned person
The internationally renowned talent passport residence permit allows you to stay in France. It authorizes you to work. Your employer does not have to apply for a work permit.
You can obtain a talent passport residence permit if your national or international reputation is established. You must come to France to exercise an activity in a field: scientific, literary, artistic, intellectual, educational, sporting.
You plan to come and exercise your activity in France in the scientific, literary, artistic, intellectual, educational or sports fields;
Your employment contract or your installation period must be more than 3 months;
You must provide proof of sufficient means of existence at least equivalent to the legal minimum wage in France for a full-time job.
Skilled employee
The talent passport residence permit – qualified employee – exercise of a salaried activity authorizes you to stay in France. It authorizes you to work. Your employer does not have to apply for a work permit.
You can obtain a talent passport card – qualified employee – exercise of a salaried activity if you meet the following 2 conditions:
- You have obtained in France a professional bachelor’s degree or a Specialized Master’s degree / Master of Science (labeled by the conference of the Grandes Ecoles) or at least equivalent to a master’s degree: DEA, DESS, engineering diploma, diploma from the institute of political studies, higher diploma in accounting and management, diploma in accountancy, State diplomas of veterinary doctor, doctor of medicine, dental surgery, pharmacy, …
- You have an employment contract of more than 3 months which provides for gross annual remuneration at least equal to 1.5 times the average gross reference salary which is set annually by the immigration Minister.
Highly qualified employee – European blue card
The talent passport residence permit – European blue card – exercise of a salaried activity authorizes you to stay in France. It authorizes you to work. Your employer does not have to apply for a work permit.
You can obtain a residence permit talent passport – European blue card – exercise of a salaried activity if you are a highly qualified worker.
You must meet the following 3 conditions:
- Have a diploma attesting to at least 3 years of higher education or 5 years of professional experience of a comparable level
- Have an employment contract of at least 1 year
- Have a gross annual salary of at least equal to two times the average gross reference salary which is set annually by the immigration Minister.
Innovative company
The talent passport – innovative company – salaried activity residence permit allows you to stay in France.
You can obtain a talent passport card – innovative company – exercise of a salaried activity if you meet all the following conditions:
- You are recruited in a young innovative company or a company recognized as innovative by the Ministry of the Economy
- Your functions have a direct link with the research and development project of this company
- You have an employment contract which provides for gross annual remuneration at least equal to 1.5 times the average gross reference salary which is set annually by the immigration Minister.
Corporate office
The talent passport residence permit – corporate officer – all commercial activities related to the mandate authorizes you to reside in France.
You can obtain a talent passport residence permit – corporate officer – all commercial activities related to the mandate if you meet all of the following conditions:
- You hold the position of legal representative in a company established in France
- You justify a work seniority of at least 3 months as an employee or corporate officer in a company of the same group
- Your annual gross compensation must be greater than 3 times the legal minimum wage in France.
Employee on assignment
The talent passport residence permit – employee on assignment – exercise of a salaried activity authorizes you to stay in France. It authorizes you to work. Your employer does not have to apply for a work permit.
You can obtain a talent passport residence permit – employee on assignment – exercise of a salaried activity if you meet all of the following conditions:
- You are an employee of a company established abroad and come to France to exercise a salaried activity within the framework of mobility between establishments of the same company or between companies of the same group (intra-group mobility)
- You have a seniority of at least 3 months in the group that employs you
- You have an employment contract with the company that employs you in France
- You receive gross annual compensation of at least 1.8 times the legal minimum wage in France.
The talent researcher passport residence permit allows you to stay in France. It authorizes you to work. Your employer does not have to apply for a work permit.
You can obtain a talent passport – researcher – salaried activity residence permit if you meet all of the following conditions:
- You have a diploma at least equivalent to a master’s degree: DEA, DESS, engineering diploma, diploma from the institute of political studies, higher diploma in accounting and management, diploma in accountancy, State diplomas of veterinary doctor, doctor of medicine, dental surgery, pharmacy, …
- You are coming to France to carry out research or provide university-level education
- You have a hosting agreement signed with an approved public or private organization with a research or higher education mission. The agreement must indicate that you are a researcher and the purpose and duration of your stay in France. If you plan to go to another EU country for your research work, the agreement must specify your membership of a mobility programme. In this case, you can apply for a “talent passport – researcher – mobility program ” residence permit .
Innovative project recognized by a public body
The talent passport residence permit – innovative economic project authorizes you to stay in France.
You can obtain a talent passport – innovative economic project residence permit if you have an innovative economic project recognized by a public body – you must check with “La French Tech“. It is a simplified procedure for investors,
founders and employees of non-European start-ups who want to settle in France.
You must first request an opinion from the Ministry responsible for the economy on the innovative nature of your economic project. Once this opinion has been obtained, you must file your application with the French consular authorities in your country of residence.