Talent passport: the multi-year residence permit for France

There are multiple types of Talent Passport to France. Are you a non-European foreigner and would you like to work in France for more than 3 months? You can benefit from a multi-year talent passport residence permit under certain conditions. How to request the card? What documents to provide? How much does the residence card cost?  You must […]


European Blue Card

Change of status to Talent Passport European Blue Card

To request a change of status to Talent Passport, European Blue Card, you must make an appointment within the three months preceding the expiry date of your residence permit. You must make an appointment within the three months preceding the expiry date of your residence permit. This card is issued […]

The conditions to become a French citizen

We invite you to find in this article, all the conditions to become a French citizen. What are the conditions to be met to become a French citizen and obtain French nationality? If you live and work in France, and if you plan to stay longer in France, then it […]

J2M, Paris Law Firm

french nationality

How to obtain French nationality

If you have been living in France for a few years, then you have surely wondered how to obtain French nationality? Indeed, each year in France, nearly 150,000 foreigners become French and obtain their citizenship. In addition, you must have an idea of ​​the conditions to become a French citizen. […]

How to Litigate a Rejection of a French Visa Application

Before setting out to litigate a rejection of a French Visa Application, it is necessary to lodge an administrative appeal. This first step is mandatory. If this administrative appeal is not satisfactory, it will then be necessary to refer the matter to the Court. Alongside these contentious actions, it is […]

J2M, Paris Law Firm


Business-Creator-tax-memo To convince bankers and investors of the seriousness of your company and secure the financial balance of your cash flow, the choice of tax regimes is an essential element of your business plan or the development plan of your project. The initial choice of a tax and VAT regime […]

How to get a Visa for France?

We invite you to find in this article, how you can have a visa for France. If you have managed to get a job in France, now is the time to move to France. Thus, by discovering these articles, you will have a fairly broad idea of ​​everything related to […]

Visa for France

J2M, Paris Law Firm

Foreign doctors born and qualified abroad

France — A recent Irdes study shows that the presence of foreign doctors born and qualified abroad partly fills medical gaps in French rural areas. But France is reluctant, compared to other developed countries, to resort to this option. Study on liberal general practitioners While the majority deputies and the […]

J2M, Paris Law Firm

How to get a job in France? Questions & Answers

How to get a job in France? Before preparing to immigrate, you need to know how to get a job in France? You must have done your home work and know how you can come and work in France? You have many questions in mind to prepare your immigration in […]

France must strengthen its Talent Passport Visa program.

According to the EAC, the French Passeport Talent Visa program is still too weak to attract qualified workers and high potential foreign students to France.  “The spirit of our study is to promote labor immigration by promoting the arrival in France of qualified immigration from diverse backgrounds” indicates Emmanuelle Auriol […]

Work in France