Working in France

Can an asylum seeker work in France?

You can apply for a work permit if you meet the following two conditions: You have the asylum seeker application. Your request has been under review for more than 6 months by the Ofpra. Asylum seekers are not prohibited from having access to employment. Their application for a work permit […]

Asylum seekers

Foreigner in France: can I be self-employed “auto-entrepreneur” ?

Do you have the right to create an auto-entrepreneur status (self-employed) as a foreigner who wants to work in France? If so, under what conditions? What if you are a student? The answers to these questions depend mainly on your residence permit. Let’s take a closer look at the different […]

I want to come and work in France, is it possible?

In France, there are many foreigners who have found a job, work in France and earn their living as they should. On the other hand, finding a job in France when you are of a foreign nationality is not always easy. You have to follow a whole procedure and get […]

J2M, Paris Law Firm

J2M, Paris Law Firm

How to get a job in France? Questions & Answers

How to get a job in France? Before preparing to immigrate, you need to know how to get a job in France? You must have done your home work and know how you can come and work in France? You have many questions in mind to prepare your immigration in […]

APS: Foreign students wishing to work in France

Foreign students have to request an APS: Provisional Residence Authorization to work in France after obtaining a diploma. A foreign student who has obtained his diploma may apply for a temporary residence permit under certain conditions. What are the steps to take? Can I apply for another residence permit at […]

J2M, Paris Law Firm

working holiday

Working Holiday Program (PVT) France

The Working Holiday Program (PVT), also known as a working holiday visa, allows young people aged 18 to 30 to travel for a year to another country with the possibility of working there to supplement their budget.  The working holiday programs are aimed at young people aged 18 to 30 […]


Foreign companies having its headquarters abroad without a permanent establishment in France can employ salaried staff even if it has no office in F. The recruitment of an employee in France by a foreign company is provided for by the Labor Code and supervised by specific reporting bodies. In all […]

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J2M, Paris Law Firm


You are a foreign student (non-EU national) holding a “student” residence permit and requesting a change of status to “employee” (or “temporary worker”). The request for a change of visa must be submitted to the prefecture of your place of residence.   TABLE OF CONTENT     THE WORK AUTHORIZATION […]


The equivalence of a foreign degree in France is the procedure which evaluates a foreign degree in relation to the French nomenclature of training levels and the European qualifications framework.   Why asking for a certificate Submitting a request for recognition of a degree can be used for the purpose […]

foreign diploma

J2M, Paris Law Firm

Foreign doctors born and qualified abroad

France — A recent Irdes study shows that the presence of foreign doctors born and qualified abroad partly fills medical gaps in French rural areas. But France is reluctant, compared to other developed countries, to resort to this option. Study on liberal general practitioners While the majority deputies and the […]