Working in France

WORK PERMIT: the importance of the Job Description

We will have first and foremost to work on the Job Description to adjust it so that it fits with the French Regulations. Some Jobs are more in demand than others. Foreigners, who enter France to take up salaried employment, must hold a work permit. Otherwise, they cannot be hired. The […]

J2M, Paris Law Firm

J2M, law firm


Foreign companies having its headquarters abroad without a permanent establishment in France can employ salaried staff even if it has no office in F. The recruitment of an employee in France by a foreign company is provided for by the Labor Code and supervised by specific reporting bodies. In all […]

APS: Foreign students wishing to work in France

Foreign students have to request an APS: Provisional Residence Authorization to work in France after obtaining a diploma. A foreign student who has obtained his diploma may apply for a temporary residence permit under certain conditions. What are the steps to take? Can I apply for another residence permit at […]

J2M, Paris Law Firm

J2M, Paris Law Firm

The best job sites in France

We invite you to discover the best job sites in France because you must know all the sites that offer job offers in France for French people and foreigners. Moreover, we always advise you to diversify your job search sources to increase your chances of finding a job in France. […]

Working Holiday Program (PVT) France

The Working Holiday Program (PVT), also known as a working holiday visa, allows young people aged 18 to 30 to travel for a year to another country with the possibility of working there to supplement their budget.  The working holiday programs are aimed at young people aged 18 to 30 […]

working holiday

Work permit in France for a foreign employee

Foreigners who enter France to take up paid employment must have a work permit in France (also called a work permit in France for a foreign employee). Otherwise, he cannot be hired. The work permit can take the form of either a visa or a residence permit, or a document […]

The practice of medicine in France: how to proceed?

In respect of the practice of medicine in France, a healthcare professional who is a national of an EU member country or of a State party to an agreement with the European economic area, must follow a procedure for automatic recognition of his diploma, or comply with an authorization procedure.  […]

foreign doctors

expatriation bonus

Expatriation bonus: Calculation of expatriation allowances

Going to work abroad was long considered an effort that deserved to be compensated. Living abroad is now a necessary step to access interesting positions and live an enriching international experience. In France, companies facilitate these more numerous departures by offering an Expatriation bonus and various indemnities. But how are they calculated? […]

The Temporary worker residence permits

The long-stay visa serving as a residence permit or the temporary “temporary worker” residence permit is intended for foreigners who wish to stay in France to exercise a salaried activity under a fixed-term contract of more than 3 months or for salaried foreigners. seconded (mobility outside intragroup or intragroup) who […]