Blog Talent Passport France

Blog Passport Talent France is about articles on how to get France visa, residence permit, how to stay in France, how to work and live in France.

How to obtain a Talent Passport residence permit

The talent passport is a multi-year residence permit for foreigners wishing to work in France for more than 3 months. J2M offers a selection of resources to help you submit an application.   The talent passport is part of a development approach for French Tech, the French start-up movement. In […]

Visa to France

J2M, Paris Law Firm

Young innovative start-up and Talent Passport

Obtaining a Talent Passport Visa as an employee of a young innovative company is a path rarely taken. However, it is easier than being recognized as the leader of an innovative project by a public organization. Being recognized by French Tech is also reserved for a fairly exclusive club of […]

How to get a job in France? Questions & Answers

How to get a job in France? Before preparing to immigrate, you need to know how to get a job in France? You must have done your home work and know how you can come and work in France? You have many questions in mind to prepare your immigration in […]

J2M, Paris Law Firm

visa litigation


SUMMARY What may be the reasons for visa refusal Preparing to lodge an appeal Send the file to the lawyer Have you applied for a visa for France and have you been refused? When your passport was returned to you, you also received a document called Visa Refusal which you countersigned, […]

Immigration of Family Members to France

Family reunification is a procedure that will be initiated by a foreigner who has a residence permit in France to bring their family members: spouse and children.  To start this family reunification procedure, the applicant for family reunification must meet a number of conditions. The conditions to be met by […]

family reunification

once up and running

French Holding Company & Talent Passport

Planning to set up a French Holding company can help a lot to get a Talent Passport and to enjoy a very Tax Effective structuring when you are in France.  1 Before Coming You might have a running company in your home country and wonder how to use it to […]

How to obtain French nationality

If you have been living in France for a few years, then you have surely wondered how to obtain French nationality? Indeed, each year in France, nearly 150,000 foreigners become French and obtain their citizenship. In addition, you must have an idea of ​​the conditions to become a French citizen. […]

french nationality

J2M, Paris Law Firm

I want to come and work in France, is it possible?

In France, there are many foreigners who have found a job, work in France and earn their living as they should. On the other hand, finding a job in France when you are of a foreign nationality is not always easy. You have to follow a whole procedure and get […]

Foreigner in France: can I be self-employed “auto-entrepreneur” ?

Do you have the right to create an auto-entrepreneur status (self-employed) as a foreigner who wants to work in France? If so, under what conditions? What if you are a student? The answers to these questions depend mainly on your residence permit. Let’s take a closer look at the different […]

J2M, Paris Law Firm

Immigrate To France – The 4 Steps To Follow

To Immigrate to France and come to work in France, you should know that there are several ways to immigrate. Moreover, France is considered to be one of the favorite destinations for foreign immigrants. Every year, thousands of new immigrants leave for France to find a job and start a […]