Coming to France

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Is speaking French mandatory to get a French residence permit?

The first thing to master if you want to live or reside in a foreign country is its language! France, which grants French nationality to more than 100,000 foreigners a year, has required mastery of the French language from all applicants for long-term residence and naturalization. France thus requires a […]

Immigrate To France – The 4 Steps To Follow

To Immigrate to France and come to work in France, you should know that there are several ways to immigrate. Moreover, France is considered to be one of the favorite destinations for foreign immigrants. Every year, thousands of new immigrants leave for France to find a job and start a […]

J2M, Paris Law Firm

J2M, Paris Law Firm

Visa for Self-Employed Workers

France is offering a new visa specially designed for self-employed workers, allowing one-year residence, renewable for up to five years. This visa, called “Visa for Liberal Activity“, offers entrepreneurs, craftsmen, and self-employed occupations (called “liberal activity”), the opportunity to settle in France, one of the most attractive countries in Europe. […]

France must strengthen its Talent Passport

The talent passport is a multi-year residence permit for foreigners wishing to work in France for more than 3 months. In a note published on Tuesday, the Economic Analysis Council (CAE) highlights the weaknesses of the systems in force to attract skilled labor and high-potential foreign students to France. “The […]

J2M, Paris Law Firm

J2M, Paris Law Firm


The bill on immigration and the right to asylum has been adopted by the Council of Ministers. The text proposes a new residence permit for jobs in tension. The project includes a large number of provisions aimed at improving the employment of foreign workers in an irregular situation and that […]

How to obtain a Talent Passport residence permit

The talent passport is a multi-year residence permit for foreigners wishing to work in France for more than 3 months. J2M offers a selection of resources to help you submit an application.   The talent passport is part of a development approach for French Tech, the French start-up movement. In […]

Visa to France

J2M, Paris Law Firm


Many people doubt whether a foreigner in allowed to create a business in France. As a person of foreign nationality (non-European national) wishing to exercise a commercial, industrial, artisanal activity or another self-employed profession in France, you must have a temporary residence permit (also called a residence permit) authorizing the […]

A new Talent Passport for foreign doctors

The government wants to create a new residence permit to attract foreign doctors in particular: the Talent Medical passport.   The aim of the new Health Talent Passport It would be intended for health professionals and their families “as soon as they are recruited by a public or private non-profit […]

J2M, Paris Law Firm

J2M, Paris Law Firm

Before coming to Work in France – 11 Points to Know

We invite you to find in this article, the 11 points to know before leaving your country to work in France. Indeed, if you plan to go to France to work, there are some essential points that you must know. Moreover, each year, several thousand foreigners choose to go to […]