Search Results for : work permit

Can an asylum seeker work in France?

You can apply for a work permit if you meet the following two conditions: You have the asylum seeker application. Your request has been under review for more than 6 months by the Ofpra. Asylum seekers are not prohibited from having access to employment. Their application for a work permit […]

Asylum seekers

J2M, Paris Law Firm

Visa for Self-Employed Workers

France is offering a new visa specially designed for self-employed workers, allowing one-year residence, renewable for up to five years. This visa, called “Visa for Liberal Activity“, offers entrepreneurs, craftsmen, and self-employed occupations (called “liberal activity”), the opportunity to settle in France, one of the most attractive countries in Europe. […]

Before coming to Work in France – 11 Points to Know

We invite you to find in this article, the 11 points to know before leaving your country to work in France. Indeed, if you plan to go to France to work, there are some essential points that you must know. Moreover, each year, several thousand foreigners choose to go to […]

J2M, Paris Law Firm

J2M, Paris Law Firm

APS: Foreign students wishing to work in France

Foreign students have to request an APS: Provisional Residence Authorization to work in France after obtaining a diploma. A foreign student who has obtained his diploma may apply for a temporary residence permit under certain conditions. What are the steps to take? Can I apply for another residence permit at […]

A residence permit for health professionals

The French Government intends to create a residence permit for Health Professionals willing to work and come to France with their family. The government wishes the creation of a new residence permit intended for health professionals, in order to attract foreign doctors in particular and thus “meet the need for recruitment” in […]

health professional

Invest in real estate with or without renovation work?

Investing in real estate still remains a refuge for many French people today. However, two situations arise, namely taking accommodation with or without renovation work. Both cases have certain advantages, but how can you be sure to make the right choice? We tell you everything in the following article. Advantages of […]

Invest immo


Talent passport: the multi-year residence permit for France

There are multiple types of Talent Passport to France. Are you a non-European foreigner and would you like to work in France for more than 3 months? You can benefit from a multi-year talent passport residence permit under certain conditions. How to request the card? What documents to provide? How much does the residence card cost?  You must […]

J2M, Paris Law Firm


The bill on immigration and the right to asylum has been adopted by the Council of Ministers. The text proposes a new residence permit for jobs in tension. The project includes a large number of provisions aimed at improving the employment of foreign workers in an irregular situation and that […]